La Princesa de la Tormenta de Arena y la Torre Invisible: The Sandstorm Princess and the Invisible Tower

Audiolibro sin resumir

Fecha de publicación
Noviembre 2023
0 hours 12 minutes
This is a fantasy story for those who like the genre and those who are learning Spanish. It is an easy read for Spanish learners who want to broaden their vocabulary. However, we recommend you have done at least one or two years of Spanish before using this stories to enhance your Spanish skills. 

This audiobook is published by Bilingual Limited and Javier Fernandez-pena reads it out. He stared in Toy Story 3 as Spanish Buzz. 

For those who have access to the complimentary material - there is a written version of the story, a few questions and answers at the end, and also a short vocabulary list.  
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